Projets libres sur GitHub
L'open source est omniprésent dans le développement logiciel de nos jours.
S'abonner à Zone Abo est un moyen de contribuer à des projets libres en permettant de dégager du temps pour alimenter nos dépôts de code, en créer de nouveaux et contribuer à d'autres projets en open source lorsque c'est possible et utile.
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A ce jour ce sont près d'une centaine de dépôts de code qui sont gérés :
- des exemples de codes (en Delphi, PHP et Javascript),
- des présentations liées à des webinaires et des conférences,
- des projets de logiciels "clé en main" pouvant servir de base à d'autres développements,
- des librairies utilisables dans d'autres projets (en Delphi, Javascipt et PHP),
- des sources de jeux vidéos (en Delphi).
Dernières mises à jours
Seules les 100 dernières sont affichées. Rendez-vous sur le site directement pour en voir plus.
- Video-Splitter : A simple tool to split a video into others with FFmpeg
- Video-Merger : A simple tool to merge two or more videos with FFmpeg
- Video-Cutter : A simple tool to cut parts of a video with FFmpeg
- YTVideoSeries : A database editor to manage video series published on YouTube or others streaming/VOD platforms.
- Zicplay : MP3 music player in Delphi for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and Linux
- SVGFolder2DelphiUnit : Generate a Pascal unit by placing the source code of all SVG files in an array of Delphi strings.
- SUTOM_Helper : A simple program to help you solve word-finding challenges such as SUTOM, WORDLE, crosswords and others in any language.
- Socket-Messaging-Code-Generator : The code generator to use the Socket Messaging library without coding the messages and API
- Text2HTML : Add basic HTML tags on a simple text file
- PicMobGenerator : An easy to use program to generate icons for macOS, Windows, iOS and Android.
- Pic-Resize : Copy utility with image resizing for Windows, Mac and Linux
- HTML-Writer : Simple HTML editor with WYSIWYG editing in Delphi.
- GooglePlayDeveloperBannerGenerator : Banner (4096x2304px) generator for GooglePlay developer page.
- DProj2WinSetup : Windows setup program generator from a Delphi project options file.
- Folder2FMXImageList : Create a FireMonkey TImageList by importing all images in a folder.
- exemples : Exemples du blog
- ExeBulkSigning : Simple tool to sign all EXE or MSIX files in a folder
- Delphi-FMX-Game-Snippets : Programmes et exemples de codes sources pour développeurs de jeux vidéos voulant utiliser les fonctionnalités multiplateforme de Delphi avec FireMonkey.
- App-Stores-Screen-Captures-Generator : Générateur d'images de captures d'écrans à utiliser sur les magasins d'applications
- Spritesheet-Splitter : Cuts a spritesheet into independent images.
- Spritesheet-Creator : Generate a sprite sheet from images stored in a folder.
- Video-Title-Page-Generator : Slide and title image generator with background and text in a graphic font
- LeTempsDUneTomate : Private joke for big content available soon on YouTube involving extensive use of FFmpeg, for which I would like to thank the team.
- LogNPass-app : The Log'N Pass app program to manage access and temporary codes to websites and apps using LogNPass 2FA.
- Fediverse-GET-URL-Tester : A simple program to check what endpoints of Fediverse websites answer to GET requests.
- Delphi-Game-Engine : Libraries, classes and components to simplify game coding in Delphi VCL and FireMonkey projects
- Delphi-samples : Delphi project samples for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, internet of things and web
- PHP-UserPassword-2FA-With-LogNPass : Using LogNPass 2FA code generator in a basic user/password member zone on a website.
- FMX-Tools-Starter-Kit : A fully featured template to easily create "documents" editors as a FireMonkey project in Delphi Community Edition and higher.
- FMX-Notepad : A simple text editor like a notepad but for Windows, macOS and Linux.
- Gamolf-FMX-Game-Starter-Kit : A fully featured template to easily create games as a FireMonkey project in Delphi Community Edition and higher.
- DeveloppeurPascal
- DevPas-Games-Pack : All open sourced games in Delphi from my GitHub account
- Socket-Messaging-Library : A client / server messaging library to use with TCP sockets in Delphi or C++Builder (one day in the future)
- librairies : Ma boite à outils pour projets en Delphi (et un peu Lazarus / FPC mais non testés).
- __MyMinimalDependenciesForWorkingWithDelphi : Repositories (libraries, projects, components) I need to install on each Windows VM to work with Delphi or RAD Studio on my projects
- _AllProjects : Install all of my repositories as sub folders of current folder.
- DevPas-TemplatesAndStarterKits-Pack : All open sourced templates and starter kits for Delphi projects from my GitHub account
- DevDaysOfSummer2024-UseSVGImagesInDelphi : My talk and samples for the <Dev Days of Summer> 2024 online conference about how to use SVG images in Delphi.
- DevDaysOfSummer2024-MakeGamesInDelphi : My talk and samples for the <Dev Days of Summer> 2024 online conference about learning to code by making games in Delphi.
- DevPas-WorkingPrograms-Pack : All open sourced utilities and mobile apps in Delphi from my GitHub account (except games).
- DevPas-Components-Pack : Regroupement des dépôts permettant d'ajouter des fonctionnalités sous forme de librairies ou de composants à Delphi
- VCL-Tools-Starter-Kit : A fully featured template to easily create "documents" editors as a VCL project in Delphi Community Edition and higher.
- GestPic4Delphi
- GestDL4Delphi
- GestPic
- GestDL
- CilTseg4Delphi
- CilTseg
- Fie-Frapic : Mobile app dedicated to take selfie pics during special events.
- DevelopperUneApplicationPourAndroidTVAvecDelphi : Sources des exemples et démonstrations liées au webinaire "Développer une application pour Android TV avec Delphi" du 29 Septembre 2020.
- DeepL4Delphi : Delphi library and sample projects for using the translation API provided by
- DelphiSummit2024-Synchronize-Your-Databases : My Delphi Summit 2024 presentation and Delphi projects samples.
- one-shot-tools : Programmes et utilitaires à usage unique, créés pour débloquer un problème ponctuel et pas utilisables pour autre chose
- Ploumtris-KenneyJam2024 : A Tetris like game for plumbers who love video games without water leaks.
- TableDataSync4Delphi : A Delphi client/server library to synchronize table records over the rainbows.
- Swap-Keys-Generator : A simple generator of reversible bytes lists or arrays in different programming languages for swapping from a byte value to an other.
- XOR-Keys-Generator : A simple generator of bytes lists or arrays in different programming languages.
- Shift-Keys-Generator : A simple generator of numbers between -7 and 7 as lists or arrays in different programming languages.
- IDB-keys-Generator : A simple generator of numbers lists or arrays in different programming languages.
- Delphi-Translation-Library : Library and tools to translate Delphi projects contents
- Egg-Hunter : Source code for "Egg Hunter" game in Delphi
- TMSTrainingDays2024-Binding-Data-To-Client-Apps : My TMS Training Days 2024 presentation and Delphi projects samples.
- CopyrightPascalProjects : Add&update copyright (or other) comments in Pascal files
- DCB2023-Responsive-Design-With-FireMonkey : Resources for my "How to create a responsive design in a FireMonkey application" session at Delphi Coding Bootcamp 2023.
- DCB2023-Socket-Messaging-library-and-generator : Resources for my "Client server made easy with the Socket Messaging library for Delphi" session at Delphi Coding Bootcamp 2023.
- Creating-a-Simple-Web-Server-with-WebBroker : Creating a Simple Web Server with WebBroker (DelphiCon 2023)
- Automatically-Translate-Your-Programs-with-DeepL-API : Automatically Translate Your Programs with DeepL API (DelphiCon 2023)
- Delphi-Projects-Template : A git template for my Delphi projects (and yours ?)
- CodeRage2018-ChristmasGame : Source du jeu "Christmas Game" réalisé sous Delphi 10.3 Rio lors du Code Rage 2018 pour Embarcadero.
- Coder-sans-coder-Delphi-en-mode-nocode-c-est-possible : Samples for talks about how to code apps in no code mode with Delphi.
- Delphi-SkiaExtend-Library : Library units and components for Delphi projects using the Skia4Delphi library
- Delphi-VCLExtend-Library : Library units and components for VCL Delphi projects
- Apprendre-la-programmation-avec-Delphi : Sources des exemples de la formation en ligne gratuite pour apprendre à programmer en utilisant le langage Pascal et Delphi donnée durant la pandémie au COVID-19 en mars, avril et mai 2020.
- AboutDialog-Delphi-Component : An "about" dialog box component for VCL and FireMonkey Delphi projects
- Delphi-FMXExtend-Library : Library units and components for FireMonkey Delphi projects
- Delphi-DBExtend-Library : Des composants et des classes pour en faire un peu plus avec les bases de données dans Delphi.
- LibreTranslate4Delphi : Delphi library and sample projects for using the translation API provided by
- LemonSqueezy4Delphi : Delphi client library for Lemon Squeezy API
- LogNPass4Delphi : Client Delphi du générateur de codes uniques Log'N Pass pour double authentification logicielle.
- FSoDB4Delphi : A file system over a database for Delphi projects.
- DelphiBooks4Delphi : Client library and samples programs showing how to use open data API in Delphi and Pascal languages.
- DelphiBooks-WebSite : website with all tools to manage the NoSQL database and generate the static pages and API files.
- Delphi-NoCode-Library : Un petit paquet de composants qui permettront de faire du no code sous Delphi pour des opérations de base et du prototype de logiciels et applications mobiles.
- AndroidTV-Delphi-Library : Librairie de développement en Delphi pour des applications Android TV.
- SVGFontGenerator4Delphi : A tool to generate Delphi units with SVG letters in a compatible format with Olf.FMX.TextImageFrame
- SettingsGenerator4DelphiProjects : A Delphi project to generate Delphi units (VCL+FMX+settings) based on Olf.RTL.Params classes
- DPROJIconsImporter : Import icons in your Delphi project in one click.
- DelphiBooks-Common : Common files used by the programs for editing the database or building the web site.
- WhereIsBernie-GGJ21 : Codes sources pour le jeu Where is Bernie développé à l'occasion de la Global Game Jam 2021. Jeu développé avec Delphi 10.4.1 et son framework FireMonkey.
- Pompach : Source code for the game Pompach developed with Delphi in a FireMonkey project.
- Sporgloo : Source code for Sporgloo game.
- Colarvest : A little game done for the Ludum Dare 52 with theme "Harvest".
- __MyMinimalDependenciesForWorkingWithPHP : Repositories I need to install on each Windows VM to work on my web projects (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL)
- KoFi-API-Webhook-Endpoint : A simple PHP script (and other tools) to receive Ko-Fi notifications from their webhook.
- FMX-MultiPad : A simple text editor that can work on several text files at the same time.
- FSoDB4PHP : A file system over a database for PHP projects.
- TableDataSync4PHP : A PHP client/server library to synchronize table records over the rainbows.
- Pascal-Learning-Resources : Links to Pascal & Object Pascal language learning resources for any kind of developers.
- Pumpkin-Killer : Source code for the mobile game Pumpkin Killer as a Delphi FireMonkey project.